Why I don’t run a BookTube: Let’s Talk Bookish

Why I don’t run a BookTube: Let’s Talk Bookish

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss certain topics based on prompts allocated for each Friday of the week. You basically share your opinions and get into the conversation by visiting each other’s posts. You can find the March schedule here or here.


I don’t run a BookTube and here’s why: I am still struggling to get comfortable with the fact that videos of me talking will be on the Internet. Talking about books, movies, lifestyle stuff, anything. So, the simple answer: I’m too self-conscious to start a BookTube.

Then what about blogging? Well, here’s the tea: I love it when people read what I write. I was always praised for my writing and I guess that just gave me a whole lot of confidence in what I can write as opposed to what I say aloud. I wrote loads and loads in high school, and I wanted to be an author since I was a little kid.

But let me explain what I value in blogging above BookTube: I love how people express themselves through words on their blogs. You work on your posts for a couple of days sometimes and you research and keep going back to improve what you have already written. I just love that process! I love the graphics and the fun layouts people come up with. The different types of book reviews are so much fun to read and the flowery fonts all get me so excited!

But that doesn’t mean BookTube doesn’t have any aces up its sleeve either! What I value most about BookTube is how it humanizes the blogger/BookTuber! It’s colloquial and rant-y and improvised; exactly how our conversations would go. It’s fun, relaxing and gets you laughing too.

Would I ever get over my shyness and run a BookTube someday? Possibly. I was obsessively watching YouTube last year, from BookTube to fitness to lifestyle videos. AND IT’S SO INSPIRING! There are some really wonderful and fun people on BookTube! So, to wind up this post, I’ll do a little shoutout to some of my favourite BookTubers!

P.S. you can click on the pics to check out these channels!

Noelle Gallagher


Peruse Project

Are you a BookTuber? Leave your channel below or Let’s Talk Bookish link so that we can discuss!

4 thoughts on “Why I don’t run a BookTube: Let’s Talk Bookish

  1. I could not do BookTube either, for the same reason you mentioned. I would be constantly worried about how I looked or was coming across on camera, if my voice was annoying, whatever. Plus, it feels a lot like giving a classroom presentation? Like- I know what I think about certain books and such, but if you turn on a camera and point it at me, I am going to look like an actual deer in headlights. So it’s best for us all if I stay far away from BookTube hah. I like the idea of BookTube, and have seen some awesome Booktubers out there, but I cannot for the life of me concentrate enough to watch full videos! I have no idea why, either- they are obviously talking about things I like! But I just… cannot. So, I stick to blogs basically!

    1. Ooooh I can’t stick to a whole video either! So I feel like BookTube videos don’t get 100% of my attention but blog posts do! 😂 But I’m glad I’m not one of the only ones who’s too camera-shy for BookTube! 💛

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