Reading for My Blog Versus Other Hobbies // Let’s Talk Bookish

Reading for My Blog Versus Other Hobbies // Let’s Talk Bookish
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Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss certain topics based on prompts allocated for each Friday of the week. You basically share your opinions and get into the conversation by visiting each other’s posts. You can find the November schedule here or here.

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Today’s Let’s Talk Bookish topic is Balancing reading for your blog and other hobbies, which was suggested by Dani @ Literary Lion.

I almost didn’t blog today but I made it!

Reading enough to keep a blog running can be stressful in the best of times, but what happens when other hobbies start to get in the way? Do you force yourself to prioritize reading even when you want to be drawing/knitting/playing music/watching a new show/gaming?

I find this to be such a difficult question to answer because reading is the one hobby that I have fully invested myself in, and today’s prompt is making me realise how much it has taken over my life. Yes, I do prioritize my reading over my other hobbies. There are moments when I choose to indulge in Netflix or playing music instead, but I don’t really do this often. Reading is so important that I allocate at least one hour of the day to it.

Has another hobby ever made you miss a reading goal?

Well, not really. It’s usually my work or other responsibilities that make me miss deadlines. Since hobbies don’t have the added stress of deadlines (usually), I don’t find it that hard to focus on reading when it comes down to the choice of which hobby should I indulge in.

What is your strategy to balance reading among your other hobbies?

I write it all down on my daily planner. As I said, I usually allocate one hour to reading. Then I usually jot down what I wanna finish crocheting that day. But most times, once my daily one hour of reading is done, I feel free enough to indulge in other hobbies!

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Do you have any non-bookish hobbies? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

My previous Let’s Talk Bookish posts:

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11 thoughts on “Reading for My Blog Versus Other Hobbies // Let’s Talk Bookish

  1. What is it that makes reading more important than your other hobbies? Do you prefer it or is it also because you feel it’s better for you than other hobbies?
    I like to watch K-dramas, journal, and do drawing, but I don’t draw that often because I have to be feeling inspired enough to do it.
    What sort of things do you like to crochet?

    1. Reading has always been my go-to hobby since I was young, so I’m guessing that’s mostly why I preference it over my other hobbies. But I am trying to diversify my hobbies and skills this time!
      I can totally understand needling the inspiration to draw! I love K-dramas and journalling too! Though I haven’t really journalled in a while now!
      So far, I crochet coasters, blankets and baskets! But I really wanna start crocheting clothes!

      1. Ah, I see. I’ve liked reading since I was little, but I don’t read as much as I used to because I don’t have such easy access to books I want to read.
        Do you like to draw sometimes too?
        Ooh crocheted baskets! That sounds really cool!

        1. I SUCK at drawing LOL! I would looove to draw some fanart but I am just so bad at it! I’m glad you love it! Can I see some of your work?

  2. Reading is pretty much my main hobby too and it’s unusual not to find me reading at some point in the day. Great post and answers!

    1. Thanks, Louise! I’m the same! People are so used to seeing me walking around with a book! LOL!

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